Saturday, November 12, 2011

Current Event 7

Did Columbus contribute to a Little Ice Age?
Source: Science News for Kids
Author: Stephen Ornes
Date Published: Nov. 2, 2011

The Earth’s climate between the 16th and 19th century  was changed in quite the opposite direction comparing to the present climate state. That period of time is called Little Ice Age because there was a certain drop of the average  atmosphere temperature which enabled formation of glaciers  in the region of North Europe and  also increased thickness and amount of ice of the Arctic and the Antarctic. The group of  scientists ( geologists and geochemists ) finished their research in which they measured  the carbon dioxide concentration in bubbles trapped in ice frozen in different periods on Antarctica. They noticed that carbon dioxide concentration in the  ice, formed in the  Little Ice Age is much lower than in the older and newer era. They think that the human factor again was dominant for such a difference.  That historic period is famous by the great migration of European people to America since Christopher Columbus discovered “ the new continent “ . Europeans brought quite new diseases like Small pox which significantly reduced the number of native Americans and left deserted  plenty of their agricultural fields. Year after year new forests were growing  instead of fields on territory bigger then present California  . As trees absorbs carbon dioxide to make oxygen, it could be the main reason for less CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere for  long period of time.  Reforestation of America had great impact on  cooling of the Earth in the Little Ice Age and it was probably man made. 
 It seems that remodeling of nature by humans has great impact to the climate changes. The abundance of forests in America which reduced the CO2 atmosphere concentration is possible explanation for Little Ice Age, but present reduction of forests with high emission of CO2 by industry and motor vehicles is the reason of global heating. It’s very interesting that the humans were responsible for the climate changes even in the 14th century !    


  1. Ivan, This is a very interesting article and yes it is amazing to think that humans could affect the climate at such a long time ago. I would like to see that you try to write summaries in your own words by using some of the main points of the main article. Don't forget that you need a short reflection as well.

  2. Wow cool, it2s funny to see people so long ago responsible for today's climate.

  3. But, Ms. M., these are my words! I didn't copy and paste anything from the article!And I have a reflection; it starts at "It seems that remodeling of nature by humans has a great impact..."
